As a product marketer, you will likely find yourself in the position of having to manage the retirement of a product or feature at some point. Like go-to-market (GTM) plans for new innovations, this process requires proper planning and strategic marketing to ensure a smooth transition for both the company and its customers. In this guide, we'll provide a list of best practices for product sunsetting.
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 37
This episode is going to be a bit unique. As a part of our new partnership with the Product Marketing Alliance, we get access to PMA’s robust dataset.
After presenting in both Austin and NYC in Q1, Devon gives Embracing Erosion listeners a peek into some of what was discussed, trends that data suggests will persist, and areas we should begin to re-evaluate as product marketing leaders in the years ahead.
Facilitation: Product Marketing’s Overlooked “Super Skill”
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 36
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 35
How Product Marketers Armed with Customer Insights Can Fuel Your GTM Motion
Case Study: OpenX
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 34
2024 Is Going to Look Different for Product Marketers - Here’s How to Prepare
While none of us has a crystal ball or knows what exactly 2024 will bring, Fluvio’s work to date with leaders across a variety of product marketing orgs has shed some light on a few of the main differences and challenges that lie ahead for product marketers this year. Here is what you can expect to see in the coming months, and how to prepare.
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 33
Announcing a Strategic Partnership: Fluvio & Product Marketing Alliance
The PMM's Guide to Applying Project Management Tools for More Successful Launches
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 32
Why Design Thinking is Beneficial to Product Marketing Managers
Podcast: Embracing Erosion, Episode 31
Case Study: Powerhouse Dynamics
2023 Fluvio Company Annual Report, Reflection and Lookahead
While 2023 was a broadly challenging year for the tech industry, Fluvio took advantage of new opportunities to expand services and doubled down on solving the biggest go-to-market (GTM) challenges for clients. Ultimately, resilience and flexibility allowed us to grow revenue for the fourth consecutive year.